Revenew generates high-value offers specifically for your cardholders at many well-known retailers. Every time they take advantage of an offer, they can earn incentives in points or cash, inline with your current programs. Best of all, they don’t have to enroll in or pay for a rewards programs. They simply use your card as they would for any purchase and enjoy the benefits.
revenew gives your cardholders maximum value with minimum effort
high value offers
Cardholders see real value in using your card for purchases they make every day. This, coupled with the ease-of-use, gives them more reasons to use it more often.
the most popular retailers
Revenew works with the most popular retailers that your cardholders use every day, giving them the opportunity to take advantage of high value offers easily and often.
no hassle
With Revenew, your cardholders don’t need to jump through hoops. No need to Opt-In. They simply use your card as they normally would and take advantage of the benefits.